Ask Wendy: About Staying in Love and Lust
Have you ever had someone ask you and your loved one, “What is your secret for staying married so long?” I have heard it a lot and had to take a step back to figure that out, as we live day to day and this transcendental question hadn’t arisen before. Having been married for almost three decades, I guess from outward appearances yes, we have a successful marriage. But we have certainly been through many ups and downs as any relationship does, however, somehow we have been able to tolerate our differences and remain intact.
This factor (not getting divorced, versus getting divorced) is clearly a 50-50 shot. When you get married in the United States, you have equal odds either way (Sailor, 2006). People marry because they fall in love which proves one of the five rungs of Maslow’s hierarchy true.
Do you remember when you first fall in love you cum just speaking on the phone, and your heart skips a beat with anticipation of seeing that special someone? This is the basis of romantic love and has its roots so that proliferation of the species continues (Sailor, 2006). Hum, who would have thunk that.
Well, after 30 years it is important to somehow recreate that sensation. Till death do you part made sense in previous centuries because you probably died around the time that your eye started to wonder. Face it, humans now can live past 100 years, and no longer pass away at 45..
What is the secret? For one, marry someone that continues to evolve as much as you do. Have similar hobbies but also have some hobbies explored alone. Evolving into new hobbies together is really fun too. That is where experimentation is a necessity.
I believe that romantic love can be recreated as a couple. Explore different sexual experiences together. Never had a threesome? Try it together one of you is wound to cheat eventually, why not be in on it? A little BDS&M? Absolutely. Go to a swinger’s event? Sure. Fem Dom parties. Yes. Clowning, Furries, Littles. So Fun! There are things to do as a couple that can create a spark by allowing each other the ability to explore and have fun at the same time. Veer off the Vanilla Brick Road.
The one caveat is that you do have boundaries that need to be communicated and agreed to before you indulge. During one adventure I observed, a woman freaked out at a swinger’s event when her boyfriend starting enjoying another couple. They never discussed the ground rules before embarking on their wild hog adventure.
The fun has just started and afterwards you can keep the spark alive by discussing your newfound adventure, jointly masturbating and whispering sweet t live scenes into your loved one’s ear. Sweeten the deal by giving your loved one a TEDDY LOVE-Kink It- Gift Basket that no other company can offer. That’s a perfect way to bridge into your new life together to keep the spark alive.
Love, Sex, and Fun,
Wendy Adams-CEO/Inventor
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Sailor, J. L. (2006). A phenomenological study of falling out of romantic love as seen in married couples (Order No. 3238277). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (304915077). Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/304915077?accountid=35812